Baritainers® is a revolutionary new way of packaging and transporting hazardous liquid chemicals that have proven difficult to contain, requiring either fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers, EVOH multilayer, or metal packaging. Kortrax® (Pat. Pending) based Baritainers® can be used to safely transport volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as household chemicals, industrial & laboratory chemicals, chemical waste, cleaning solvents, adhesives, wood preservatives, automotive fuel additives, additives in the agricultural chemical sector.
APR, the Association of Plastic Recyclers, is pleased to recognize BP Polymer’s Kortrax® Barrier Resin (BR) as meeting or exceeding the most strict APR HDPE Critical Guidance criteria HDPE-CG-01 Path 2 (testing for resins and resin blends that incorporate the innovation being tested but have not been converted into package form for both Natural and Colored HDPE stream). This APR recognition is based on the technical recyclability of the barrier resin innovation with HDPE bottles. Learn More

Baritainers® Is An Alternative To Metal Containers
Barrier Plastics, Inc. (BPI) is the sole North American manufacturer of Baritainers® – a revolutionary new way of packaging and transporting liquid chemicals that have proven difficult to contain and require either fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers or metal packaging. Baritainers® are a sustainable packaging alternative, and Barrier Plastics is a member of the Greener Package Consortium ( Because Baritainers® possess barrier properties, there is no need for further post-manufacturing treatment such as fluorination. Carbon footprint is reduced since additional transportation for treatment of HDPE is eliminated. And the planet is made safer with the reduction in the use of toxic fluorine gas. Since they are lightweight and square, Baritainers® are an economically attractive alternative to metal packaging. Moreover, Baritainer® drums, Tight Heads, and IBC’s are UN Certified and Y rated.
Since they are lightweight and square, Baritainers® are an economically attractive alternative to metal packaging. Baritainer® square Tight Heads is approximately 50% less weight versus steel tightheads which results in reduced freight costs and greater cube utilization. Less truckloads not only mean less cost but also reduced emissions. Baritainer® base material of Baritainer® is primarily HDPE. Unlike EVOH multi-layer containers, Baritainers® are recyclable code 2. They do not panel, distort, or lose product. They also prevent chemical permeation and weight loss. Baritainers® are produced with HDPE and our proprietary barrier resin additive – Kortrax® (Pat. Pending). Kortrax® (Pat. Pending) as a barrier resin (BR) prevents the diffusion and loss of weight that occurs when hydrocarbons migrate into the atmosphere. Baritainers® have been extensively tested both for efficacy and safety and exhibit better performance characteristics than fluorinated HDPE containers. There is no concern regarding human exposure to PFAS or PFOS.

How To Use Baritainers®
Baritainers® – a revolutionary new way of packaging and transporting hazardous liquid chemicals that have proven difficult to contain, requiring either fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers, EVOH multi-layer, or metal packaging.
Typical Industries
Industrial: Chemicals, Solvents, and Petrochemicals. Health & Beauty: Lice shampoo, hair color, hair care. Sanitary Supplies: Cleaners, Degreasers, and Household Cleaning Products. Pet Care: Shampoos, Flea, and Tick Repellents. Household Products: Waxes, Polishes, and Cleaners. Automobile Care: Polishes, Fuel Additives, Sealants, and Cleaners. Agricultural: Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, and other agricultural Chemicals.
Sample Chemical
Acetone, Auto Additives, Charcoal Lighters, Cleaners, Degreasers, d-Limonene, Electronics Chemicals, Essential Oils, Flavors, Fragrances, Gasoline, Insecticides, Kerosene, Lubricants, Paint Thinners, Plant Growth Products, Pyrethrins, Surfactants, Solvents, Terpenes, Trichloroethylene, Toluene, Waxes and Polishes, Weed Killers & Herbicides, And Wood Preservatives. Get A Sample of Baritainer®
Want To Learn More About Baritainer® By Barrier Plastics?
For businesses looking for plastic barrier container solutions, Baritainer® would like to send you a sample. Samples are completely free; shipping and handling are not included. In exchange, we ask for a bit of your time and feedback. Tell us about your business, contact information, and 3 survey questions.
Press Releases
- Kortrax FDA EU Signed Certificate
- BPP Kortrax Response To EPA About PFAS
- Announcement: Kiera Anne Callahan is the new Corporate General Counsel.
- BPP Kortrax Recognitions As Fully Recyclable By APR
- Tight Head Containers Manufactured by Mauser Packaging Solutions
- Kortrax® (Pat. Pending) Baritainers® Adopted By Clarke Group
- Kortrax® (Pat. Pending): Safe Packaging Alternative to Fluorination
- Kortrax® (Pat. Pending): Safe Packaging Alternative to Fluorination HDPE Containers
- BP Polymers, LLC and Versarien® PLC Announce Collaborative Agreement
- BP Polymers Introduces Kortrax® (Pat. Pending) Barrier Resin for HDPE Containers
- Announcement: Ervin McGee Joins Barrier Plastics
- Barrier Plastics and Consolidated Container Company Announce Strategic Manufacturing Partnership
- Barrier Plastics Introduces Innovative 1.5 Gallon/6L UN Y Rated Baritainer®
- Barrier Plastics Introduces Innovative Baritainer® Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC)
- Barrier Plastics Releases New 13 Liter, 3.5 Gallon Baritainer Tight Heads; Product Launch Coincides with Barrier Plastics’ Move to New Corporate HQ in Irvine, CA
- Barrier Plastics Announces Move to U.S. Production and a New UN-Rated 20-Liter Tight Heads